Brooklyn Rail reviews I Go To Some Hollow

“From [Cain’s voice],” reviewer Renée E. D’Aoust writes in Brooklyn Rail, “we gain insight into the experience…where place matters less than feeling and connecting to others is all about disconnecting from others. There is distance here, which is Cain’s point.” Furthermore, she states:

There is a surface feeling to Amina Cain’s stories, published in gorgeous format by Les Figues Press. At first it seems Cain skims above the water, refusing to tackle big waves. She neither rides the crest nor dives deep, yet the disassociation of her characters soon becomes familiar, their feeling that what is familiar can never quite be known. And there is subtlety in the way Cain handles disembodied experience. How else can the protagonist of the opening story, “Black Wings,” claim, “I get up out of my body and walk around every part of the room”?

Read the full review at Brooklyn Rail (scroll to the bottom).

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