Les Figues Authors Named on HTMLGIANT List of Best Books, 2013

Janice Lee names The Memoirs of JonBenet by Kathy Acker by Michael du Plessis  as one of her favorite books read in 2013. du Plessis is one of several authors Lee names in her  “brief & informal list” of some of her favorite books read during the year 2013, published on HTML GIANT. Also on the list is Les Figues author, Amina Cain’s newest work CreatureCain is also the author of I Go To Some Hollow. Read the full article at HTML GIANT.

Excerpt Lee chose to publish from The Memoirs of JonBenet by Kathy Acker:


I’m afraid we’re inventing something that isn’t there.

Why is sex with you another blank?

Waiting, as you consider it, is fine but there comes a moment when the conditions you impose outweigh any present emotions. “I can’t be with you until…” translates into “I can’t be with you until caution becomes indifference.” Yes, as you say over and over again, you’ve made me feel again; truly, I do feel again, enough to be able to tell you that I’m only telling myself that I feel with you.

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