Bomblog / Nick Thurston on Kim Rosenfield’s Lividity

In a piece entitled “Pretty Brutal Speech,” Nick Thurston writes about how Kim Rosenfield’s Lividity and Steven Zultanski’s Agony convert the long form poem into an act of hyper-objectification—to a brutally contemporary effect.Lividity Postcard

In an age of acceleration and over-production, wherein the very ontology of published language has been transformed by its reformation through and as principally-digital data, the most intelligent and imaginative poetic responses seem to have come from the field of so-called Conceptual writing,” Thurston writes. “Basically this is because conceptualist approaches to cultural production demand that “makers” consider what they make in the context of their field or community at the level of social epistemology as well as that of the projective imaginary. That is, the maker-subject recognizes herself as just one producer within a specific community and history of possibilities that are united by some shared concerns (technical, political, economic, geographic, sexual, whatever), and which are in turn embedded in other communities and histories of production. Those maker-subjects re-imagine those shared concerns by holding them together, often in dispute, which means that they don’t have to agree on what those concerns “mean,” but that they do privilege them as a/the problematic(s) for their community of production. The job, then, is to develop that shared problematic(s).

Read Thurston’s full review on BOMBLOG.



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