LF in the News

Foreword Reviews reviews 100 Chinese Silences

Timothy Yu set off on a one-hundred poem crusade to heap ridicule and brilliant insight at Ezra Pound, Gary Snyder, Billy Collins, and other purveyors of Far East falsities...

The Volta reviews Leave Your Body Behind

Coming to the book with expectations of gendered writing will frustrate some readers, unless...

New Pages reviews Some Versions of the Ice

we can never be fully certain what exactly is true and what is false...

Redell Olsen’s Film Poems reviewed at Kvallsposten

Ett annat grepp är fragmentiseringen....

Charybdis 27 mentions Victor and Place

Bien que d'un abord délicat, « Dora et Flora : analyse d'un moment...

TrenchArt Monographs named on Best of 2015: Non-Fiction Books

Thanks Entropy!...

100 Chinese Silences named on Split This Rock list

We are thrilled to put a spotlight on some gems...

Les Figues Press named one of the best small presses by Entropy


The Book of Feral Flora: on Entropy’s “Best of” & LitHub’s “Must-Read”

Congratulations to Amanda Ackerman and The Book of Feral Flora—recently named on two 2015 year-end lists...

Coyote named a best book of 2015 in several lists!

Increasingly, Winnette’s America is the only one I recognize in fiction...

The Book of Feral Flora reviewed on The Volta Blog

There is a certain delight in the randomness, the feralness of the floral prose...

A Story of Witchery and For Want and Sound in SPD sale!

It's hard to know what to get that special someone in your life, especially when that person is a poet...