Hazel & Wren Review Tall, Slim and Erect 

Hazel & Wren reviews Alex Forman’s Tall, Slim and Erect by Alex Forman as one of their “What We’re Reading” books:Tall_Slim_Erect_Portraits_Of_The_President_Alex_Forman_Front_Cover

Page by page, Forman’s voice rings with counterfeit scholarship, achieving a fluctuating, unreliable credibility. Her text is less about presidential facts and more about the precedents of authenticity. Though not clearly cited, Forman dutifully lists her references. Though not customarily professional, she and Les Figues Press have designed a book unlike the regimented Academics, a kind that successfully replicated our own untraceable structures of knowledge. This book reveals the wandering ideas that make the machine of history.

Read the full review at Hazel & Wren.


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