2500 Random Things reviewed on HTMLGiant

2500 Random Things Matias Viegener What is most radical about this piece is the form itself (and the Self it forms)...

Matias Viegener’s Writing Process at The Huffington Post

2500 Random Things Matias Viegener The first thing anyone who's tried to be random can tell you is that it's not easy...

Patrick James Dunagan reviews 2500 Random Things

There’s a little bit of everything in here...

2500 Random Things on “Facebook Stories”

I remember once my mother told me we weren’t German, we were European...

Caroline Bergvall’s “Via” reviewed in Jacket 38

Can we not accept constraint-based or conceptual writing as valid on its own?...

TT Jax reviews 2500 Random Things for Lambda Literary

You must accept the banal, the contradictory, the sweeping generalizations along with the profound and beautifully rendered pronouncements of morality and mortality...

Les Figues @ Rhapsodomancy

| Los Angeles |
Dodie Bellamy, Melissa Buzzeo, Michael du Plessis, and Matias Viegener
August 11, 2013
Good Luck...

2500 Random Things reviewed by ForeWord

Self-reflexivity abounds, and the reader, who naturally looks for a narrative pattern, is constantly tripped up...

Colin Dickey Reviews 2500 Random Things

Social media, its detractors complain, is all about narcissism...

Les Figues titles recommended at Conversational Reading

The /n/oulipian Analects grew out of a conference, “noulipo,” organized by the editors at REDCAT in Los Angeles in 2005...

Marie Lecrivain on 2500 Random Things

Viegener reveals parts of himself that can’t help but tie together...

John Yau Reviews 2500 Random Things

These are the Witnesses, the thrivers in the muck. Matias Viegener belongs to this group...