LF in the News

Julia Bloch reviews Things To Do With Your Mouth

There's silencing, and then there's also proliferation...

rob mclennan discusses Film Poems

How does one read them solely on the page...

Dies: A Sentence a Halloween pick at VICE

My favorite horror stories are those that pile on brutal image after brutal image...

Guantanamo reviewed at The New Inquiry

Yet the book depends on the signal force of that name and the specter of placelessness it signifies...

The Tales reviewed at The Volta

Jessica Bozek, author of The Tales from Les Figues Press Not as much the sequence of events being told as the action of telling them...

The Rumpus reviews Guantanamo

Tell the truth, or convince the interrogator...

The Ants reviewed at NewPages

Just be careful where you walk...

Divya Victor gives a first look at The Book of Feral Flora

My writing process: I eat plants. I have decided not to be hungry...

Guantanamo reviewed and excerpted at Warscapes

A portrait of the condition we find ourselves in...

The Ants reviewed by rob mclennan

And yet, this is a book about, also, exactly what the title claims...

derek beaulieu named Calgary Poet Laureate

Calgary Arts Development and the Calgary Poet Laureate Selection Committee are pleased to announce the appointment of derek beaulieu...

Maggie Nelson features Cunt Norton excerpts at PEN America

Dodie Bellamy I wanted to pick something raucous and inventive...