LF in the News

LA Times previews Open Press

Open Press is a medium to extend the work of the writer, editor, and curator...

85 makes 2013 Artists’ Book of the Moment list

Each volume is a work of visual text-art in its own right...

Guantanamo reviewed at Full Stop

We know all these things about language already...

The Phonemes reviewed at MAKE

In this fragmented space, the “world” as perceived by the speaker is disrupted and dislocated...

Feminaissance reviewed at Elevate Difference

The book presents a compelling and thought-provoking discussion on the concept of feminine language...

The Tales listed as The Believer readers’ favorite

Jessica Bozek, author of The Tales from Les Figues Press The Believer's 2013 Readers' list includes works by writers such as Bozek, Saunders, Rasmussen, Adichie, and Greer fig...

Cunt Norton reviewed at Coldfront

The excess is the exact point—an entry point—a sorority of sisterly fingers to up-end canons...

Guantanamo and The Ants Reviewed at WIRB

Something we need, and may not want, to read...

Things To Do With Your Mouth on Entropy’s Best-of

Lists list things...

Cunt Norton reviewed in Make/shift

Bellamy knows what she's doing...

The Ants reviewed at Monologging

Ants do not necessarily stand in for people...

Four LF titles reviewed by Spencer Dew at decomP

Context can determine form, too...