LF in the News

Cunt Norton included in Christopher Higgs’ revised NBA Longlist

Dodie Bellamy This book fulfills the impulse to revise the canon by shattering the masculine voices who dominate it...

Dodie Bellamy interviewed by Matias Viegener

Dodie Bellamy I leave it up to readers to figure out who is speaking in any given sentence...

Babyfucker reviewed by Nick Montfort

Babyfucker is far more disturbing than the title suggests...

Our Lady and Cunt Norton reviewed at THEthe Poetry

Happily, Our Lady of the Flowers, Echoic and Cunt Norton can both be seen as positive, life-affirming acts of artistic terrorism...

Frances Richard in conversation at Studio One

Consensual mass hallucination that’s mistakenly referred to as ‘reality’...

Feminaissance reviewed by Megan Milks

An all-women’s anthology, a collection of what Dodie Bellamy calls “tiny revolts”...

I’ll Drown My Book reviewed at Jacket2

A defining moment in the life cycle of any avant-garde movement is its declaration of aesthetic victory over the preceding team of textual innovators...

The Tales reviewed at Zyzzyva

By defamiliarizing the place we live, The Tales makes us aware just how dystopian it really is...

Dodie Bellamy’s Cunt Norton reviewed on NewPages Book Review

This is an entirely human book, which is an achievement that is not as easy as you’d think...

Cunt Norton reviewed at The Rumpus

My two read-throughs caused me to highlight nearly half the text in awe; I don’t even know where to start with excerpting...

Kim Rosenfield’s Lividity reviewed in The Los Angeles Review

Reads like an interactive linguistics experiment...

Our Lady of the Flowers, Echoic reviewed at Tarpaulin Sky

The upper spaces of the pages also remind us of that greater space making echoes possible...