LF in the News

Anna Joy Springer recommends For Want and Sound

Melissa Buzzeo For Want and Sound Summer is time for texts that ask for more interaction...

NewPages Reviews I’ll Drown My Book

This unmapped territory is the natural space of poetry...

John Yau Reviews 2500 Random Things

These are the Witnesses, the thrivers in the muck. Matias Viegener belongs to this group...

Mike Sonksen Reviews Les Figues Titles for KCET

These poems use landscapes of memory to contemplate the human condition...

A Further Reading of Urs Allemann’s Babyfucker

(with Dripping Faucet). Created by Daniele Pantano & David Kelly/Erkembode for Enemies of the North...

Zoland Poetry Reviews I’ll Drown My Book

Let us now praise conceptual women...

Tall, Slim & Erect in Glassworks Magazine

An interview and audio recording...

Bomblog / Nick Thurston on Kim Rosenfield’s Lividity

Converting the long form poem into an act of hyper-objectification...

NewPages Reviews The Memoirs of JonBenet

This book is dense with conflated cultural images that construct an alternate unreal-real reality of consumer America...

Seth Abramson Considers The New Poetics

We should all—lovers and poets both—feel a bit chewed upon from time to time...

Tarpaulin Sky Covers Michael du Plessis

When JonBenet gets stabbed in the heart by the Blue Fairy’s wand, her cry of protest is 'it’s disgusting; it’s real.' Exactly. But this is fiction, and JonBenet will rise again...

HTMLGIANT Reviews Tall, Slim and Erect

Forman’s poetic and inscrutable bits-and-pieces portraits give us as much as any history truly can: a series of discreet and questionable revelations...