LF in the News

The Tales Reviewed at HTMLGIANT

But then, again: it doesn’t sound as good when you try to explain it...

Our Lady of the Flowers, Echoic Reviewed at Three Percent

Chris Tysh has taken Genet’s work and made something completely new out of it...

2500 Random Things About Me Too Reviewed at Full Stop

Every fragment retains some of the intimate suspense lent from disclosure between friends...

The Tales and For Want and Sound Listed at The Volta

Melissa Buzzeo For Want and Sound A non-hierarchical and non-exhaustive list...

Cunt Norton Reviewed at Bookslut

She has mastered what is admittedly her own process of creating a cunt-up...

Josh Coblentz Reviews Our Lady of the Flowers, Echoic for HTMLGIANT

The original is, after all, highly open to interpretation...

Wayne Kostenbaum Reviews 2500 Random Things About Me Too

Sentence to sentence, the temperature shifts...

Craig Dworkin Discusses I’ll Drown My Book

Communities depend upon the logic of the scapegoat...

Kristin Sanders Reviews Cunt Norton at HTMLGIANT

The result is dirty love poems secreting out the orifices of our favorite fathers...

Jen Hofer Featured at NIAN

It made me want to go back to work, to make space for more people to do translation and to encounter work from other cultures...

2500 Random Things reviewed on HTMLGiant

2500 Random Things Matias Viegener What is most radical about this piece is the form itself (and the Self it forms)...

Lindsay Turner reviews I’ll Drown My Book for Boston Review

Don't look for easy answers...