Over at sink review, Nathan Austin considers some of the questions raised by I’ll Drown My Book: Conceptual Writing By Women:
There is, I think, a tendency towards reductive framings of conceptual writing, particularly in accounts that emphasize its uses of this or that methodology, or its rejection of expressive modes. The editors of I’ll Drown My Book avoid such simple definitions: conceptual, Laynie Browne notes, “is not a term which can belong to a select few, or be defined to narrowly, at least not at this point in time.” Conceptual texts are not limited (not “dictate\[d] or predict\[ed]“) by their methodologies; methodology is not even the central characteristic of such writing. Authors include personal statements; this allows the definition(s) of conceptualism to play out over dozens of voices and through dozens of approach.
Read the rest of the review here.
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