LF in the News

Audiatur reviews re:evolution, Bookforum Gives it a Nod

Her lyrical 'I' is never quite not Kim Rosenfield, carnival barker and perfume saleswoman...

Diagram 9.1 Reviews A Fixed, Formal Arrangement

Scott Butterfield on Allison Carter's A Fixed, Formal Arrangement: "The rewards are not to be underestimated."...

The Short Review Interview with Axel Thormählen

The Short Review interviews Axel Thormählen and reviews his 2008 collection of short stories, A Happy Man and Other Stories...

The Pedestal Magazine Reviews Three Les Figues Titles

The Pedestal Magazine's JoSelle Vanderhooft reviews A Fixed, Formal Arrangement, re:evolution, and God's Livestock Policy...

Bookslut Reviews A Fixed, Formal Arrangement

"It's not hard to appreciate A Fixed, Formal Arrangement, for this segmented, creative work doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not."...

Les Figues in American Book Review

American Book Review launches its “Scenes” column with an article on Les Figues...

The /n/oulipian Analects: Editor’s Choice

Bomb Magazine highlights The /n/oulipian Analects...

Four Reviews A Happy Man and Other Stories

One of many to-be-desired releases in Les Figues’ TrenchArt: Parapet Series...

KPFK Features Les Figues

Bronwyn Mauldin of KPFK interviews Teresa Carmody...

Carp(e) Libras Reviews Voice of Ice

"Voice of Ice did something for me I cannot quite explain."...

Lemonhound Reviews Dies: A Sentence

Circumnavigating, diverging, listing, relishing in the feast of language on so many levels...it comes out, as Stein says, and after a while it doesn't have to come out ugly...

On God’s Livestock Policy

I really enjoyed the logical turns of the language, the kind of way I'd imagine that God would argue, just because s/he can be a lawyer sometimes...