LF in the News

A somatic reading of The Ants at Bombay Gin

Wait for the ants to come to you, or rather, to your humble offering...

Guantanamo reviewed at Winnipeg Free Press

The war on terror produces terror as its mirror. The poems here produce a travesty as their muse...

The Ants featured at The Quarterly Conversation

A giant, gushing wound but also beautiful in its intricacies, tiny legs traversing giant distances...

Cunt Norton reviewed at TCJWW

These “body” parts, of the text and of the flesh, are “disembodied,” to be claimed by the speaker and the reader at will...

Neon Tommy reviews Coyote

As you probably guessed, this is not a happy ending kind of book...

The Tales reviewed at Coldfront

Words linger and echo in the white space of the page, allowing readers to participate in the reconstruction of a destroyed world by filling in the gaps themselves...

Andrew Wessels interviewed at Best American Poetry

Our interests as a publisher, the risks we take, and the innovative and stunning writers we want to support...

Our Lady of the Flowers, Echoic discussed at APR

When do we stop calling something a translation and start calling it something else?...

Winnipeg Free Press reviews Kern

Others seem like maps of alien worlds, cities of language...

Claire Huot and Robert Majzels talk about 85

In your hand is a machine for the permutation of letters...

Coyote Reviewed at Bookslut

Where the aches are quieter and less performative...

Coyote reviewed by Kirkus Reviews

It’s the small details (and how they are revealed) that give this story its considerable sting...