LF in the News

The Ants reviewed at Coldfront

Ants infiltrate all but one of the...

Our Lady of the Flowers, Echoic reviewed at Lemon Hound

Tysh acts not only as a translator but something of a reconceptualizer...

Guantanamo reviewed at Publisher’s Weekly

Place turns the stark French into inescapable English...

2500 Random Things About Me Too selected by Wayne Koestenbaum

A list including works by Viegener, Stein, Bellamy, Guibert, Hainley, Kunin, Hudson, Zaher, Zucker, and Mayrôcker...

Dodie Bellamy interviewed at AMRI

"It was an intense, exhausting process, but that intensity was needed"...

Entropy’s Summer List includes The Ants and Guantanamo

We’ve got your summer reading list covered...

The Constant Critic on Things To Do With Your Mouth

This is a fascinating, tightly wound work...

The Field a “Best of the Small Press” selection

It will realign how you think about your 'self'...

The Ants reviewed at Galatea Resurrects

Of course the book is necessary...

Cunt Norton reviewed by Adam Fitzgerald at the American Reader

What’s left is Cunt Norton, a book of poems startlingly original...

Guantanamo reviewed by Timothy Liu at Coldfront

The dizzying sum is greater than the at times mind-numbing parts...

Jacke Wilson profiles Les Figues Press

Hmmm. Something’s going on here...