LF in the News

Lemonhound Reviews 2500 Random Things

One of the most exciting things about 2500 Random Things is how it feels like it just happened...

The Next Big Thing: Divya Victor

We are these glassy lachrymatoria—our tear ducts are banks that weep out gold...

NewPages Reviews Lividity

How we use language defines bodily elements of our consciousness...

Les Figues Featured on KCET

In this way, printed books become far more than stacks of paper; they are condensations of experience that remind us who we are and where we've been...

Bhanu Kapil Discusses Melissa Buzzeo

It lives [is written] [read] at the intersection of cosmic, private and industrial (political) aims...

The Rumpus Reviews Tall, Slim & Erect

It’s Forman’s appropriative threading—intentional and meticulous—that illuminates and renews the language...

HTMLGIANT & 25 Points on The Memoirs of JonBenet

If someone were to insist on a thesis, one that I would have to deliver, I would suggest it as this: 'Read this book'...

Lividity Featured on HTMLGiant’s Holiday Shopping Guide

HTMLGiant features Kim Rosenfield's latest book of poetry, Lividity, on their Holiday Shopping Guide...

What I’m Reading Now… by Marjorie Welish

So integrated are signs in our lexicon that Richard sees no reason why poetry cannot write across these—and so she does...

HTMLGIANT Week-Long Feature on I’ll Drown My Book

Enter the ghost of conceptual writing, a ghost that cues the gestural fusion of idea with language...

Global Conceptualisms on Jacket2

This series is intended to make public conversations that have previously been private, if they have been at all...

BOMBLOG Reviews Alex Forman’s Tall, Slim & Erect

As biographer and historian, Forman gathers her found facts, rumors, and reports into expository prose, gathering composites into an animated composition...