LF in the News

The Tales reviewed at decomP magazinE

Jessica Bozek, author of The Tales from Les Figues Press The disaster cannot be known. We can only approach its edges...

A taste test of Babyfucker at HTMLGIANT

I was afraid I was doing the worst thing that a person could ever do...

Cunt Norton reviewed at New Orleans Review

Dodie Bellamy A Frankenstein’s monster of sext, dripping and sutured and not always coherent in its wantings...

The Tales, Best Of 2013

Jessica Bozek, author of The Tales from Les Figues Press Haunting, in the way of books that depict the present moment almost too well...

Our Lady of the Flowers, Echoic, Best of 2013

This new translation is a perfect gift for anyone whose innocence you want to steal...

Cunt Norton, Best of 2013

A roundup of Cunt Norton's appearances on "Best Of" lists across the blogosphere...

The Tales reviewed at Washington Ind. Review of Books

Bozek trusts us. She knows the poem begins in us when her poem ends...

The New Poetics reviewed at America Book Review

Everything is passé, including (or especially) what's hip...

Les Figues receives special mentions at KCET

There are dozens of hidden pockets bursting with activity...

Les Figues Authors Named on HTMLGIANT List of Best Books, 2013

The Memoirs of JonBenet by Kathy Acker on "Best of 2013" list by Janice Lee...

Coco Owen writes about 2500 Random Things

Matias’s sustained reiteration of these lists results in a work that reworks the eternal dilemmas...

Dodie Bellamy interviewed at Harriet

Burroughs doesn’t seem to dislike sex, right?...