Jacke Wilson profiles Les Figues Press

Hmmm. Something’s going on here...

Jim Feast reviews By Kelman Out Of Pessoa

Certainly, all writing has constraints...

Doug Nufer interviewed at Hobart

Tell a story, don't go crazy with lists or description, move around a lot, make a game of it...

By Kelman Out of Pessoa reviewed at NewPages

Language is its own amalgam of plot-driven characterization and constant word-play...

By Kelman Out Of Pessoa reviewed on HTMLGiant

Isn’t all personality pathology? Isn’t all aspiration corrective? Isn’t all identity speculative, projective?...

By Kelman Out Of Pessoa reviewed at Rain Taxi

Each piece of the novel builds upon one giant, gently rotating sense of narration...

By Kelman Out Of Pessoa reviewed at decomP

This thing between them, this live workout of a handicapping theory, this reverie of a life...

The Stranger Reviews Doug Nufer’s By Kelman Out of Pessoa

The wonder of Doug Nufer is that he contains so many perspectives, you can't look at him directly without your attention being directed somewhere else...